Resources for HPC
Please see a description of HPC-CF-supported services. Please see our software installation policy for information on requesting software installs on one of our supported clusters.
Office Hours
HPC has teamed with the UC Davis DataLab to offer advice on topics such as software troubleshooting, onboarding, and running jobs. These are held each Monday on Zoom from 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM. Complete the intake form to get help.
HPC help is also available in-person on Tuesdays, 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM in Shields Library, room 360. Appointments are not required, but filling out the office hours intake form ahead of time will help DataLab connect you to the right expert for your question. See for more information.
Office hours are not available during campus holidays.
Campus Resources for help with HPC
The UC Davis Knowledgebase is a searchable repository of multiple sources on campus.
See the UC Davis HPC website for information on our office hours, our troubleshooting page, FAQ, Linux tutorials, and documentation.
The UC Davis Data Lab has a set of workshops for training on everything from the UNIX command line, basic HPC, R, Python, and many other topics, including recordings of previous workshops and online self-tutorials. Data Lab also publishes an HPC toolkit with links to various resources.
Research Computing at UC Davis offers a directory of partnerships across UC Davis that focus on research computing.
External Resources
Introduction to Linux - The Linux Foundation offers a beginning course on Linux fundamentals. "Develop a good working knowledge of Linux using both the graphical interface and command line across the major Linux distribution families with this free training course."
Slurm Quick Start User's Guide - Slurm is the job scheduler that allocates resources across each HPC cluster. Also see the Slurm user's command summary.