Contact Us


To help us provide better and more consistent support, per department policy, requests emailed directly to team members will not be addressed. Such requests must be submitted through the ticketing system. See below for information. 

There are various support options for HPC users:

  • Any general service inquires and all HPC support questions and concerns related to compute and storage infrastructure, user account support, login help, software installs, and other technical issues could be submitted to the HPC-CF Helpdesk at
  • Farm cluster cases could also be directed to 
  • The HPCCF FAQ page and the campus Service Hub Knowledge Base can provide answers to many common FAQ questions, including hardware specs, pricing, availability, software options, and how to get started. Additional information can be found on the HPCCF Help Documents page.
  • UC Davis Slack  #hpc channel could help connecting with other HPC users at UC Davis and to join the latest discussions. Please visit, and login with your email address to get started. Please note that this is not an official support channel. 
  • External cross-university HPC user forum Ask.Cyberinfrastructure ( could assist with questions and answers for researchers, facilitators, sysadmins and others who do research computing.