Clusters' Status

Data Center Generator Test - 4/6/2023 The spring data center generator test will be taking place on Friday, April 7th at 6 a.m. Power to the systems in the data center will be temporarily rerouted to the generator twice during this maintenance window. As a result, we will be powering off systems on Farm, Peloton, Impact, Demon, Cardio, Gauss and all other HPC systems located in the Campus Data Center in preparation for the test on Thursday, April 6th, starting at 6 a.m. These clusters will be unavailable for use during this time. We will restore power to the systems after the generator test concludes on Friday morning. Any job submitted with a --time argument greater than 1-18:00:00 will NOT start until 2023-04-12 18:00:00 . If your job is held because of the maintenance reservation, you will see the message: (ReqNodeNotAvail, Reserved for maintenance) In case of any issues or questions, please email the HPC Help Desk . Farm Cluster Update The following link will take you to see Farm cluster's live status: You can subscribe to receive Farm updates.